Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How Credit Repair Companies Work to Fix Your Credit Score


When we are talking about repairing a credit score, you should know that it can be done alone. For that, you need to search all across the reports for any incorrect information (if present) and then filing disputes all by your own capability. Honestly speaking, that is quite an headache, which can be prevented if take into consideration a credit repair service in Tampa or any other location to do all the legal work for you. In this blog, we will take a look into the 3 major steps which are out carried out by legitimate credit repair companies so as to fix the credit score of their customers. Let’s get into it!

Step 1 — Free evaluation

When the credit repair company starts working for you, you will see them pulling out your credit report from all the 3 credit bureaus. On the initial consultation with the company, which is mostly free of cost, the repair specialist will thoroughly assess your report to see if they can really help you to improve the score. For any kind of negative information which is present in your report, they can be the right candidate to help you.  

Step 2 — Identify items to dispute

Once the initial evaluation is done, and if you are satisfied with their work, then a team will will review all your reports in detail so that they can identify any kind of mistakes and errors if present. This process is time-consuming and may take few days to fully complete. Errors can be found in your payment history, expired negative items, along with duplicate accounts. Once the documentation is prepared by the team for the same, they will send it to the bureaus. Then, they will work with them to see if the errors can be corrected or removed.

Step 3 — Repeat for each bureau’s report

The best services of credit repair in Tampa and other areas will review all three reports from each of the three bureaus. This is necessary as they all might not contain the same information. 

Remember these points and always know that hiring a professional greatly increases your chances of success. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Avoid These To Keep A Nice Credit Score

It is important for all us to keep our financial life good. Credit score is one thing that plays a huge part in it. It is a score which banks look at and determine whether you should be given a loan or a credit card. There are service providers who look at it to determine whether you should provide a security deposit or not. Not just them, even car insurance providers use it as a factor to fix your insurance rate. All of this show how critical a good credit score is for you. There are firms that assist you with credit repair in Fort Lauderdale if you have a bad credit score. You can get in touch with them to learn ways to fix your bad credit score.

While it is important to know how you can turn your bad credit score around, it is equally important to know what are the things that lead to a bad credit score in the first place. In this blog, we’ll be taking a look at some of those things. Let’s get started.
  • Not a lot of people know this but as much as 35 percent of your credit score is made up of your payment history. This means you should always pay your credit card bills on time so that your credit score doesn’t get hurt.
  • While paying late is not good, not paying bills at all is even worse. Missing payments will take you closer to the point where your account will be charged off.
  • When you miss your payments and the insurer is sure about the fact that you won’t be able to pay back the amount, the insurer then charge off your account, which means your name gets written in the list of people who are defaulters. This account status is extremely bad your credit score.
While there are other things as well that affect your credit score, the above mentioned ones are some of the most important ones that you should keep in mind. To fix your credit score, you should get in touch with firms that provide solutions for credit repair in Fort Lauderdale. With their help, you will be able to fix your credit score in less time.